Infinite Growth
Income Fund 2

A Singapore domiciled VCC Sub-Fund which has an investment objective in seeking short to medium-term total consistent annual return of 10% to 12% by primarily making private credit investments in private fixed-income securities and credit instruments.

Snapshot - the Infinite Growth Income Fund 2 (IGIF2) seeks to generate investment returns with the objective of increasing the NAV of the Sub-Fund at a fixed rate of approximately 10% - 12% per annum (with no compounding), over the Distribution Periods.
  • Zero to low management fees
  • Team has successful track record in private credit investments for more than a decade
  • Proprietary credit algorithm developed by main fund adviser Dr Serge Besanger who has decades of experience assisting the IMF and World Bank; and helped draft the Basel regulations
  • Target returns of 10% per annum
  • Quarterly distribution of dividends
  • No taxes for Singapore residents/taxpayers
  • Investment management insurance provided
  • Low correlation with financial markets